Looking to see if I'd be a good fit for your project?

I am a flexible and adaptable designer, but I get asked some questions about projects very frequently. If I do production work, will finalize concepts, or simply take orders. All of those are answered below.

You're looking for a production artist, or someone to finalize your designs.

If you're looking for someone to do production to finalize concepts, or fully realize your design concepts — I can give you some recommendations of designers who might be a good fit. However, at this juncture I'm not looking to enter into just a production relationship.

You're working with a limited budget.

I'm flexible with my billing structure, hours, and sometimes rates (depending on if you're a non-profit, etc). All of my projects start with a base range of $800 and go up from there. I can work on flat-rate quotes with a strict scope or start out billing hourly.

Believe that we're all experts.

I believe that you're the expert in your field, your business or organization, and have a clear of idea where your business could go. For the relationship to work you need to trust that I'll do my due dilligence to create concepts that are accessible, on target, and thoroughly researched to help get you to where you need to go.

You're a company with a proven track-record, or a solid business plan.

I rarely take on projects for hypotheticals. While there's nothing wrong with seeing what concepts could come from a name change, merger, or potential restructure — I have found that these projects typically don't come to fruition or have the required budget to see them through.

Interested in working with me?

I am available for Freelance projects. Feel free to fill out the form, or read the FAQs on whether or not we'd be a good fit for each other.

Contact me FAQs